Value Add

Best Value RFQ end-to-end automated infusion:

SMaRTi™ throughput designed business process delivering measurable, quantifiable and accountable value.

Value-adding a seamlessly simplified :

Conduit throughput automating SCBN TP's Best Value RFQ process 

(item-per-item, qty-for-qty) file-to-file transfers process -

with AI and Supply Chain Business Network Cloud Technology.


Truth in Fact Discovery:

***Supply Chain Business Network operations are not independently structured to advocate DEI with accountability.***

SCBN Trade Partners would take an active role advancing inclusion in Global Supply Chain ecosystems,

if supporting  would incur a seamless harmoniously designed process,

 delivering measurable, quantifiable and accountable value,

actualizing  fiduciary accountability to shareholders and stakeholders with long-term impact, 

without compromising current efficient and productive models methods of operation.

'Make-sense' value-add  SMaRTi™  Processes:

  • Focuses on automating Best Value Request for Quote end-to-end processes,

delivering measurable and accountable value.

  • Use AI and cloud technology to create a seamless solution.
  • Re-engineers traditional operational costs into exponential profits.

moving -  parts, components, inventory, commodities, merchandise, cargo, and freight.

Innovation producing exponential profits:

Augments New Market Value:

enhances TP's value and compliancy with SCBN policies and government contract laws.

SMaRTi harmonizes  B2B, B2G & BTL TP's, inadvertently frittering-away billions of shareholders dollars:


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