Automate Best Value

Our approach has achieved remarkable success due to its strategic alignment and measurable impact. Here are key factors contributing to its effectiveness.

Strategic Integration:

  • SMaRTi™ is seamlessly infused into the company’s overall strategy.

  • Inclusion efforts are not treated as isolated initiatives but are woven into supporting infrastructure and financial operations, enhancing overall business performance.

Quantifiable Metrics:

  • SMaRTi™ emphasizes specific, measurable goals.

  • By tracking metrics such as inclusion, fair market value rates, and supplier compliancy with SCBN policies and government contract laws, Ford Enterprises ensures accountability and progress.

Inclusive Implementation:

  • The approach prioritizes measurable inclusivity at every level.

  • Assurance of compliance and cash consciousness optimization to value automated on each transaction,

  • via optimizing Request for Quote end-to-end process automation: Tax Code (26 U.S. Code § 38)-General Business Incentive Tax Code (26 U.S. Code §41)- Research and Experimentation (R&E) Incentive.

Fiduciary Responsibility:

  • Ford Enterprises treats advocating for DEI as a fiduciary duty to shareholders.

  • Linking DEI outcomes to financial results ensures sustained commitment and accountability.

In summary, SMaRTi™ combines strategic vision, quantifiable metrics, and inclusive practices, making it a powerful driver of success.

Best Value RFQ's Process

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