

SMaRTi™' seamlessly re-aligns the invoicing end-to-end process,

instead of re-inventing the wheel; helps businesses achieve zero tax liability, while generating significant financial gains   harmonizing a auditable inclusion visibility trail for the stockholders.

 B2B, B2G and BTL models experience advantages from real-time

R&D incentives 'measurable Impact for Inclusion' to each & every-

Order-to-Cash (O2C):

  • This process encompasses the entire lifecycle of an order,

from order creation to payment receipt.

  • Key steps include order entry,

order fulfillment, shipping, invoicing, and cash collection.

Procure-to-Pay (P2P):

  • P2P covers the procurement process,

starting from requisitioning goods or services to making payments.

  • It involves steps like requisition approval,

purchase order creation, goods receipt, invoice verification, and payment processing.

Load Tender to Invoice:

  • This process involves managing transportation logistics.
  • It begins with a load tender (request for transportation services) and

ends with the creation of an invoice for the completed shipment.

Incentivize Invoice (item-per -item, qty-for-qty) Automated Process:

  • This process focuses on generating best value invoices and

handling remittances (payment for goods or services).

  • It includes creating accurate invoices, sending them to customers,

and reconciling payments received.

Enables B2B, B2G and BTL vendors to disrupt traditional industries.

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